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Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Jue May 13, 2010 7:17 pm

francab escribió:Eh no sean tan mala onda. Viene a buscar informacion sobre probables refuerzos, como muchos harian en otros foros si viene algun refuerzo pirata.

Que yo sepa no hay reglas que obliguen a escribir en castellano. Si quieren participar busquen un traductor de ingles en internet, o esperen a que algun forista traduzca los posts (yo lo hago, pero ahora no tengo tiempo). Si no pasen de largo y no participen, que se le va a hacer.. :roll:

Hoedje escribió:You probably all heard about the tragic career-end of Nicolas Frutos, our Argentinean striker and 'leader' of the Argentina players at RSC Anderlecht.

Hoedje escribió:Probablemente hayan oido acerca del tragico fin de carrera de Nicolas Frutos, nuestro goleador argentino y "lider" (o guia) de los jugadores argentinos del Anderlecht

What happened with Frutos? Here we only heard news about Suarez's goals, we don't receive anymore information about the Belgium league...

Traduccion: que paso con Frutos? Aca solo nos llegan las noticias acerca de los goles de Suarez, no recibimos ninguna informacion mas acerca de la liga belga...

About Frutos : he's had a lot of injuries at his ankle, and after several operations, it just doesn't improve. The injury at Frutos' ankle is chronical. That's why the club and the player decided to end the contract and Nico decided to end his carreer... he is now back in Argentina, where he is trying to achieve his Coach license...
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Jue May 13, 2010 7:18 pm

juampicab escribió:Hey my friend! so long without see you around here. Well, in my opinion its very possible that Pablo Chavarria goes to the Anderlecht. About Franco " El Mudo" Vazquez i don't know because he's very young yet, but is an opcion to.
About Pablo, he's an amazing player! i dont know how to upload youtube videos in here, but you can look there (in Youtube) Chavarria's goals and plays, I guarantee you're gonna get shock. He's very very fast and he got a very good technique. In April of this year he got a great moment and he was unstoppable for the defense of rival teams. In conclusion, he's a very good player so, if he is sold to Anderlecht, enjoy him!
I recomend you to look in Youtube "gol de chavarria a galleres"... thats a great gol of Pablo!

Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina!

P.S: (sorry if my english its bad, i dont practice so much)

Graçias Amigo ! (and your English is perfectly understandable ! )
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor FeDe_PiRaTa » Vie May 14, 2010 11:17 am


Do You can a flag that says "Gracias Belgrano de Cordoba (and our Shield) por tanto talento" (thank you Belgrano of Cordoba for so much talent) ??
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor DaRioCaB » Vie May 14, 2010 12:08 pm

Hi Hoedje!

Not expect it to be as Suarez.

Suarez is a different player. 10 points.
Chavarria is a 9 with power, vitality and enthusiasm, but nothing special. 8 points.

Vazquez has his moments, he can play 10 minutes for 10 points and the rest for 5 points.

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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor charlipirata » Vie May 14, 2010 7:27 pm

Como se dice en ingles: "Si se llevan a Chava y a Vazques, el combo incluye a Turus"

Porque nos aseguramos que no se venden... :mrgreen:

Y de ultima, si necesitamos vender, traduzcan esto: "Les regalamos a Turus" :twisted:
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor nicolassrv » Vie May 14, 2010 8:11 pm

No entiendou un soretou culiau.
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor augusto_CAB » Vie May 14, 2010 10:54 pm

In English...

Hello Belgian friend!

Here you will find different opinions, because football is a broad field, and leads to many things, in my opinion:
:arrow: Pablo "The Tiger" Chavarria, is a great player, with a power worthy of a 9, and is not denied to any ball on the feet, imagine it in the front along with Matias Suarez, God!

:arrow: Franco Vazquez is a player who lives the game in slow motion, thinking, is something that helps you a lot of desert sometimes, in other exasperating slowness notice that at times are not favorable, but it is consistent with a boy of 19 years (?) lack of experience. Excellent long-term project.

I hope that I have not bored you understood my English (thanks Google translator :D )

En Cordobés...

Hola amigo belga!

Aquí encontrarás diferentes opiniones, porque el futbol es una materia amplia, y da lugar a muchas cosas, en mi opinión:
:arrow: Pablo "El Tigre" Chavarria, es un gran jugador, con una potencia digna de un 9, además no es ningun negado con la pelota en los pies, imagínalo en la delantera junto con Matias Suárez, Dios!

:arrow: Franco Vazquez es un jugador que vive el partido en cámara lenta, pensante, es algo que en siertas ocasiones te favorece mucho, en otras notarán que su lentitud exaspera en momentos no favorables, pero es algo acorde de un muchacho de 19 años (?) con falta de experiencia. Excelente proyecto a largo plazo.

Espero que no te haya aburrido y que hayas entendido mi inglés (gracias traductor de Google :D )
Con Jiménez y con Belgrano el que no agita es un amargo.
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor joel_cab » Vie May 14, 2010 11:41 pm

Aca se habla mucho de no querer vender a Vazquez porque es muy joven...

Acaso Chava no lo es tambien??

"Es de buen deportista no recoger las pelotas de golf perdidas mientras aún esten rodando..."
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor francab » Vie May 14, 2010 11:45 pm

Tomorrow, in Buenos Aires, Belgrano will play the last match in the tournament, and Herman Van Holsbeeck (Anderlecht's manager) and Gerard Witters (who represents Anderlecht in Latinoamerica) are going to the stadium to see Chavarria.
According to the most important newspaper of Cordoba (La Voz del Interior), the transfer is almost done. :cry: :cry: :cry:

And in the same article in the newspaper, it says that Frutos will continue playing..

En cordobes:
Mañana en Buenos Aires, Belgrano va a jugar su ultimo partido en el torneo, y Herman Van Holsbeeck (el manager del Anderlecht) y Gerard Witters (quien representa al Anderlecht en Latinoamerica) van al estadio para ver a CHavarria.
Segun el diario mas importante de Cordoba (La Voz del Interior), el pase esta casi hecho :cry: :cry: :cry:

Y en el mismo articulo dice que Frutos va a seguir jugando..

Todo esto lo saque de la Voz de hoy.

joel_cab escribió:Aca se habla mucho de no querer vender a Vazquez porque es muy joven...

Acaso Chava no lo es tambien??

Chava tiene 22, la verdad que si. Pero todos sabemos que Chava ya dio todo lo que puede dar en esta categoria, Vazquez todavia esta madurando. Esta temporada Franco crecio muchisimo, pero todavia tiene que seguir creciendo.
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor aguspiraton » Sab May 15, 2010 9:27 am

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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Sab May 15, 2010 10:06 am

FeDe_PiRaTa escribió:Hoedje

Do You can a flag that says "Gracias Belgrano de Cordoba (and our Shield) por tanto talento" (thank you Belgrano of Cordoba for so much talent) ??

I posted it on our forums, but I doubt it mate :D
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Sab May 15, 2010 10:07 am

Thanks everyone for the reactions !
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor jopirata » Sab May 15, 2010 11:17 am

Which is your most important forum???
I would like to read what does your fans think about ours players!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Sab May 15, 2010 11:59 am

our main forum : go to www.rsca.be

=> click 'espanol' (I suppose you want it in your own language :p) and then click on forums (or whatever it is in espanol :p)
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor misael » Sab May 15, 2010 12:56 pm

Friend! Suarez already I assure his continuity, I listen that him darian a lending to another club. Ultimately does another year remain mas in anderlecht?

This one is one of the goals that we will never forget of chavarria.
"Estas construcciones no son simplemente para ornato, ni para solaz de los que concurran, sino que en ellas debe educarse músculo, cerebro y corazón, para así llenar la triple función deportiva, social y cultural". Salvador Martinez. 1929.
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor polpirata » Sab May 15, 2010 1:31 pm

Leyendo el sitio oficial del club belga me doy con la noticia que le renovaron el contrato a suarez hasta el 2015...habra q esperar para volverlo a traer..incluso estando en primera....
Belgrano, Vaya al Frente
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Sab May 15, 2010 2:07 pm

polpirata escribió:Leyendo el sitio oficial del club belga me doy con la noticia que le renovaron el contrato a suarez hasta el 2015.

Which makes me very happy ! :D
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor francab » Sab May 15, 2010 4:07 pm

misael escribió:Suarez already I assure his continuity, I listen that him darian a lending to another club. Ultimately does another year remain mas in anderlecht?

Me parece que te jugo una mala pasada el traductor de internet, no se entiende nada :lol: ;)
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Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor Hoedje » Mar May 18, 2010 8:16 am

According to the Belgian press, our general manager Herman Van Holsbeeck is returning to Argentina today to bring Chavarria to Belgium, an agreement with Belgrano isn't far away...
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Registrado: Lun Ago 24, 2009 7:25 am

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

Notapor francab » Mar May 18, 2010 10:04 am

Hoedje escribió:According to the Belgian press, our general manager Herman Van Holsbeeck is returning to Argentina today to bring Chavarria to Belgium, an agreement with Belgrano isn't far away...

Hoedje escribió:Segun la prensa belga, nuestro manager general Herman Van Holsbeeck esta volviendo a la Argentina hoy para llevarse a Chavarria a Belgica, un acuerdo con Belgrano no esta lejos...


Yesterday, our president Armando Perez said that there are four offers for Chavarria: one from Anderlecht, one for a mexican club, one from France and another from an argentinian club from the first division.

Ayer, nuestro presidente Armando Perez dijo que hay 4 ofertas por Chavarria: una del Anderlecht, una de un club mejicano, otra de Francia y otra de un club argentino de primera division.
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