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Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 10:30 am
por Hoedje
Hi my argentinian friends,

do you still remember me? I'm the Belgian RSC Anderlecht supporter who came here last year to talk about Matias Suarez.

Now, as it seems, RSCA is once again interested in 2 Belgrano players, being Franco Vasquez and Pablo Chavarria. Recent rumours tell us our general Manager, Herman Vanholsbeeck, will come to Argentina next week to discuss the transfer of Pablo Chavarria.

Could you tell me a bit more about these 2 players? Will they be a good addition to the RSCA squad?

Greetings and thanks in advance !

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 10:35 am
por FeDe_PiRaTa
Pablo Chavarria maybe.
Franco Vazquez is very difficult. I Don´t believe that He goes to Anderlecht, is very young.

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 10:50 am
por Hoedje
And what do you have to say about the qualities of these players?

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 10:59 am
por ger15cba
Hoedje, how are you man?, well, look, As Chavarria, As Vazquez are really good players, Chava (for chavarria) has played whit Suarez few years ago, and they were cracks, but, if your general manager, wants to keep him in the team, he'll put a lot of money, our team manager, knows that him has a lot of thing to give to Belgrano yet, and he is very young, so, i thing that they wont sell Chava for coins, I dont know if you understand my poor english, I hope to help you! if you have another quest, tell me, or tell anybody, we'll help you, have fun!

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 11:04 am
por FeDe_PiRaTa

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 11:15 am
por Hoedje
ger15cba escribió:Hoedje, how are you man?, well, look, As Chavarria, As Vazquez are really good players, Chava (for chavarria) has played whit Suarez few years ago, and they were cracks, but, if your general manager, wants to keep him in the team, he'll put a lot of money, our team manager, knows that him has a lot of thing to give to Belgrano yet, and he is very young, so, i thing that they wont sell Chava for coins, I dont know if you understand my poor english, I hope to help you! if you have another quest, tell me, or tell anybody, we'll help you, have fun!

Of course I understand your English mate, thank you for responding ;)

I'm fine thank you, as you guys already know (checked your forum, especially the topic ' otra vez matias suarez') RSC Anderlecht is Belgium's League 1 Champion this year, we had an excellent year both in Belgium as in Europe.

A little update on Matias Suarez' season : he exploded at the beginning, in the mid he lost his form (and his place in the team), then at the end he came back and was by far our best player. Matias had a tough adapting period, in Belgrano he was used to playing as a striker/second striker, now at RSC Anderlecht he often plays as a right winger. But all Anderlechtfans agree that his style is just everything we desire from an Anderlechtplayer, his technique is extremely good and he delivers passes only the best of our team can do...

You probably all heard about the tragic career-end of Nicolas Frutos, our Argentinean striker and 'leader' of the Argentina players at RSC Anderlecht. We are now looking for a striker to replace him, and apparently, Chavarria is at the top of the list (if press rumours are to be believed)... Thus, I come visit you once again for more information about your players (boy do I love Argentinian football players :P)

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 11:30 am
por ger15cba
I don't know if chava can be used to play as a 9, he always makes passes for goal (I don't know if you understand) like a goal assitant, he's tall, but he style dosen't is the air game... have you plans for came to Arg and visit us?

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 11:37 am
que lo que deciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?????????????????????????????? :lol: :?: :?: :?: :?: :lol:

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 11:41 am
por ger15cba
jajaja, tengo solo 16 comments, pero ya 2 en ingles, y valen x 5!! jajaa, sabes lo q estuve como para poder escribir algo con coherencia en ingles??

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 12:14 pm
Both are great Players. I prefear Chavarría just because he scored to our main rival team in the division which is Instituto and also to our historical rival which is galleres (with "t" instead of a "g").

I'd like both players to stay at Belgrano because me and many of Belgranofans feel that they still can give the team a lot. A lot of goals, a lot of game and we really need that. I also think that Chava is already prepared to "jump" to a more important ligue, but I don't think the same about Vazquez. He's still young inside the field, and some more experience will make him to become a real crack.

I hope a good will made arrangement between the clubs; for us, for you, and for the player/s.


Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 12:37 pm

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 1:36 pm
por Gonzaesdelab
El foro es de Belgrano pa. si queres escribi, hacelo en castellano. es mas facil que una persona que viene de afuera le busque la forma, a que miles de usuarios se les haga casi imposible participar en el post. Estoy seguro que si habro un post en un foro del anderlecht, si lo abro en castellano me sacan cagando. Aca deberia ser igual.

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 1:50 pm
por joel_cab
No me gusta cada vez que entra el amigo Hoedje :?

No me trae buenos recuerdos, Ojala tanto Chava como Franco se puedan quedar en el club.

Y escribamos en español, este es un foro de Argentina, y los traductores los pueden usar en Bélgica también.

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 3:14 pm
por ps_pirata
No se bien que onda. Pero usando un toque el traductor de google más o menos el belga dijo esto:

1) Que por la lesión y retiro de Nico Frutos buscan un reemplazante y Pablo Chavarría es el elegido, o eso dice la prensa allá

2) Que Matías Suárez fue re importante en la obtención del campeonato. Que al principio de la temporada explotó después de una dura adaptación, que después tuvo un bajón lo cual lo dejó fuera del equipo y que volvió a levantar en el final del campeonato siendo el jugador más importante para el Anderlecht.

3) Y además dice que le encantan los jugadores Argentinos. Me imagino que le encanta como juegan y no otra cosa :lol: :lol: jaja


Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 4:31 pm
por francab
Eh no sean tan mala onda. Viene a buscar informacion sobre probables refuerzos, como muchos harian en otros foros si viene algun refuerzo pirata.

Que yo sepa no hay reglas que obliguen a escribir en castellano. Si quieren participar busquen un traductor de ingles en internet, o esperen a que algun forista traduzca los posts (yo lo hago, pero ahora no tengo tiempo). Si no pasen de largo y no participen, que se le va a hacer.. :roll:

Hoedje escribió:You probably all heard about the tragic career-end of Nicolas Frutos, our Argentinean striker and 'leader' of the Argentina players at RSC Anderlecht.

Hoedje escribió:Probablemente hayan oido acerca del tragico fin de carrera de Nicolas Frutos, nuestro goleador argentino y "lider" (o guia) de los jugadores argentinos del Anderlecht

What happened with Frutos? Here we only heard news about Suarez's goals, we don't receive anymore information about the Belgium league...

Traduccion: que paso con Frutos? Aca solo nos llegan las noticias acerca de los goles de Suarez, no recibimos ninguna informacion mas acerca de la liga belga...

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 4:49 pm
por sebi_cab
francab escribió:What happened with Frutos? Here we only heard news about Suarez's goals, we don't receive anymore information about the Belgium league...

Traduccion: que paso con Frutos? Aca solo nos llegan las noticias acerca de los goles de Suarez, no recibimos ninguna informacion mas acerca de la liga belga...

Frutos tuvo una lesion jodida y no puede jugar mas.

miren el min 2:32 la que le hace al arquero. Un grande

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 6:37 pm
por aguscordoba
Suarez scored in the last match, i could see the goal and Fruto´s tribute in sportcenter from ESPN, excellent the flag. Chavarría travelled today to Buenos Aires, he was making the passport aplication.

chava estuvo haciendo los trámites para sacarel pasaporte en buenos aires.

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 6:52 pm
por juampicab
Hey my friend! so long without see you around here. Well, in my opinion its very possible that Pablo Chavarria goes to the Anderlecht. About Franco " El Mudo" Vazquez i don't know because he's very young yet, but is an opcion to.
About Pablo, he's an amazing player! i dont know how to upload youtube videos in here, but you can look there (in Youtube) Chavarria's goals and plays, I guarantee you're gonna get shock. He's very very fast and he got a very good technique. In April of this year he got a great moment and he was unstoppable for the defense of rival teams. In conclusion, he's a very good player so, if he is sold to Anderlecht, enjoy him!
I recomend you to look in Youtube "gol de chavarria a talleres"... thats a great gol of Pablo!

Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina!

P.S: (sorry if my english its bad, i dont practice so much)

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 7:10 pm
por Hoedje
ger15cba escribió:I don't know if chava can be used to play as a 9, he always makes passes for goal (I don't know if you understand) like a goal assitant, he's tall, but he style dosen't is the air game... have you plans for came to Arg and visit us?

if there is ever a match between RSCA and Belgrano, or if I ever go to Argentina, I will drop by and we'll eat a good Argentinian steak :D

Re: Pablo Chavarria and Franco Vasquez - RSCA ?

NotaPublicado: Jue May 13, 2010 7:14 pm
por Hoedje
Gonzaesdelab escribió:El foro es de Belgrano pa. si queres escribi, hacelo en castellano. es mas facil que una persona que viene de afuera le busque la forma, a que miles de usuarios se les haga casi imposible participar en el post. Estoy seguro que si habro un post en un foro del anderlecht, si lo abro en castellano me sacan cagando. Aca deberia ser igual.

Alright, from what I understand, I'm sorry but I'm unable to express myself in Spanish (no hablo español). The only Spanish Phrases I know are : 'dos cervezas por favor' and 'una mesa para 6 personas por favor' :P

I speak Dutch, English, French and a bit of German but no Spanish. Still, I believe it's possible for different cultures to communicate with each other, if there is effort from both sides. I hope I can continue visiting this forum ;)